Derbyshire Freemasons Gift Much Needed Defibrillators

The Derbyshire villages of Sawmills and Ridgeway have benefitted from a donation of two potentially life saving defibrillators.

Defibrillators are devices that restore a normal heartbeat by sending an electric pulse or shock to the heart. They are used to prevent or correct an arrhythmia, a heartbeat that is uneven or that is too slow or too fast. Defibrillators can also restore the heart's beating if the heart suddenly stops. They can be used safely by anyone and no training is required.

The villages are situated on the famous Gritstone Pathway which meanders from Derby Cathedral along the River Derwent and into the Peak District ending at Mam Tor. The trail is extensively used but access for any emergency assistance is most difficult in many places so the provision of Defibrillators en-route are potentially vital emergency equipment for both local residents and visitors to the area.

The initiative was coordinated by Freemasons Graham Swift and Peter Chapman of Royal Alfred Lodge, assisted by Arkwright, Vulcan and St Thomas Lodges - all of which meet at Alfreton. The funding of the defibrillators was supported by the Derbyshire Provincial Freemason’s Charity who contributed to the cost of the installations.

Peter Chapman of Derbyshire Freemasons said “The installation of the defibrillators is a wonderful and worthwhile initiative and a great example of the charitable work Freemasons undertake in their local communities.”

Radio Derby talk to Pete Chapman, Assistant Provincial Grand Secretary about this initiative.

Alfreton Freemasons make dreams come true!

Autumn Beavan is a 6 year old girl from Alfreton who is always happy and bright - loves school, dancing and drama but sadly suffers from ADHD, Autism, Crohn’s Disease, Orofacial Granulomatosis and multiple dangerous food allergies.

Spear headed by Royal Alfred Lodge, all five of the Alfreton based Lodges of Derbyshire Freemasons worked together to help assist in sending this very special 6 year old on a dream trip to perform in a dance troupe on Broadway New York in July 2020.

The five Craft Lodges of Royal Alfred, St Thomas, Vulcan, Morcar and Pioneer each donated £300 along with a £300 match funding donation from the Derbyshire Provincial Grand Charity. The total reached the magnificent amount of £1800.00.

The trip is being arranged by Clare Sales School of Dance in Alfreton who organise dance and fitness classes. They have fantastic sensory sessions and a special “Chance to Dance” class which is aimed at students with additional needs. These include learning and physical disabilities and mental health issues. The primary aim is to build confidence and self-esteem so that the students believe in themselves.

The target required to get each performer to New York was £2585.48. Autumn’s guardians had already managed to raise just under £800 so the challenge to raise the difference was taken up by the Alfreton Lodge members.

A fabulous White Table evening on Wednesday 18th December attended by 95 Freemasons; their families and guests saw each of the five Masters make a person presentation to Autumn’s guardians on behalf of their own Lodges. The donation from the Provincial Grand Charities’ was made by a Provincial representative.

“ We are so pleased to help Autumn get to New York and realise her dream - her courage and enthusiasm has been an example to us all. Freemasons in Derbyshire regularly support many local causes – all of which are very deserving but this one has been very special to us “


Ladies Night great success!

The Brethren of the Royal Alfred Lodge 1028 held their Ladies Night at Horsley Lodge on 13th October and their guests were treated to special guest Nell Gwynne, who gave a very entertaining talk about her life, the comedy skiffle band Kick 'n' Rush and they managed to raise over £2,000 for charity.  The Master's lady has chosen the charity SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity) which was very well received.


Royal Alfred Lodge celebrates Christmas in style

The Brethren of the Royal Alfred Lodge 1028 enjoyed a pre Christmas celebratory get together with partners and friends this month with good food, good company and carol singing by all.

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Maul presented to Royal Alfred Lodge 1028

Royal Alfred Lodge meets Provincial Lodge Target

The Brethren of the Royal Alfred Lodge 1028 were presented with a maul for reaching the Provincial Lodge target of £27,600 in September 2015 by the Provincial Grand Master and the Derbyshire Provincial Team.

Royal Alfred Lodge Lapel Pins

Royal Alfred Lodge celebrates its 150th Anniversary

The Provincial Grand Master of Derbyshire, together with eighty eight Brethren, visited Alfreton 16th December to celebrate with the brethren of the Royal Alfred Lodge 1028 its 150th Anniversary.  The highlight of the evening was a reading of the history of the Lodge delivered by fifteen of its members, responding to a question master.  The Provincial Grand Master, being a member of Royal Alfred Lodge 780, which meets in London, commented that the name of the Royal Alfred Lodge 1028 may have originated at the time HRH Prince Alfred was alive, rather than the common thought that the Lodge was named after Alfred the Great.  At the 150th celebration the Provincial Grand Master presented the Lodge with a commemorative certificate and all its members with a lapel badge.  The current Worshipful Master of the Lodge presented all present on the evening with a quarter size commemorative brick!  On this occasion the celebratory festive board was held at The Derbyshire Hotel.