Royal Alfred Lodge donations 2019

2019 was another busy year, raising money for a wide range of charities in need of our help. 

These included:-

£600 to Air Training Corpse RAF
£175 to Charity Bike for an Alfreton boy 
£40 to Relief Flowers 
£300 to Charity Aid Dance Group (Autumn – see also News)
£194 to Widows’ Christmas Gifts
£108 to TLC Hospital Teddies
£42 to Carol Service at the Crooked Spire

Making a total of £1,459.00



The Masonic Charitable Foundation

The Foundation provides a wide range of grants to Freemasons and their families who have a financial, health and care or family need.

The Foundation also awards grants to other charities, medical research studies and disaster relief appeals.

Funded entirely through the generous donations of the Masonic community, the Foundation has an annual charitable expenditure which places it amongst the largest charities in the country.